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One Act Showcase- Broken Angels & Dr. Wonderful

Special Event

October 18 - 20

One Act Showcase- Broken Angels & Dr. Wonderful

Broken Angels by Todd Caster and Dr. Wonderful by Michael Furlong

The One Act Play Showcase consists of 2 plays. This year's showcase will consist of a new play to Playhouse and the winner of last season's One Act Play Festival. Shows will run from 10/18-10/20.

Broken Angels by Todd Caster

Carrie Buck was born the daughter of a mentally unstable mother and an estranged father in the early 1900’s. At the age of 3 she was placed into foster care and raised by the Dobbs family of Charlottesville, Virginia. It proved to be an equally cruel life for the child as she was pulled from school at a young age in exchange for a life of servitude in her adoptive new home. At the age of 16 she was raped by a family member, which resulted in an unwanted pregnancy. Carrie’s foster parents were appalled at her shameful condition and took steps to have her sent away to endure her pregnancy. Based on her promiscuous behavior, they argued to the court that the girl was “feeble-minded” and should be sent to a suitable facility. The court agreed and Carrie was whisked away to the Colony for the Epileptic and Feebleminded in Lynchburg, Virginia. Shortly after, Carrie gave birth to a daughter – Vivian. The Court deemed Carrie unfit to raise a child and ordered that the infant should remain with the Dobbs family. The year was 1924; the same year that a new piece of legislation went before the Virginia Assembly, known as the Sterilization Act. This law was designed to strike out at the feebleminded population through mandatory sterilization of all mentally deficient individuals. It was decided that Carrie should be their test case, the one chosen to initiate this new law. However, Carrie was not the feebleminded individual the Commonwealth thought her to be. She easily saw her doom and quickly took measures to appeal their decision.

BROKEN ANGELS follows Carrie’s day in Court. She is represented by Irving Whitehead, a compassionate lawyer, who is more than willing to serve the underdog. Together they face the Colony’s Counsel, Aubrey Strode, who unleashes a daunting line-up of witnesses. Those who testify against Carrie argue on the side of science and health, pointing out that the world would be a better place if the bad genes were eliminated and the good genes were promoted. The end result would be selective breeding on a world-wide scale. Against Whitehead’s advice, Carrie takes the stand in her own defense. It is in her testimony that the truth is uncovered, revealing how flawed the Colony’s argument is and how little regard they have for her basic human rights. Their aim was to eliminate her challenge and push this new law through, no matter the cost. In that they do succeed.

Carrie is sterilized the following year.

Loosely based on the actual events leading up to the Supreme Court decision in Buck v. Bell.

Winner of the festival:

"Dr. Wonderful or: How I Learned How To Stop Worrying About the Tenure Track and Love the Cape" by Michael Furlong


A retired superhero working in academia as a college professor encounters an ex-sidekick as a current student. The past collides with the future, and there is one last chance at redemption.

Cast of Characters:

Dr. Christopher Cutter- A college professor, 45-55

Brock Bannister- A male student, 20s

Ms. Mischief- A woman, 30-45

Broken Angels will be directed by Jack Krantz

Dr. Wonderful will be directed by Linda Lambrecht

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